This is definitely a step in the right direction Jagex. Hopefully Runescape Idle does well, so Jagex is given an incentive to make more mobile games. In particular, Funorb games.
I was a huge fan of Funorb, notably Armies of Gielinor, Steel Sentinels, and everybody's favorite: Arcanists. It is truly a shame that Funorb was left to die, however Funorb was simply not profitable anymore due to the shifting nature of online, small-scale, multiplayer flash games. Much of the market has been converted to mobile, and this represents an immense opportunity for Jagex. Sticking with the Runescape theme, would it not be possible to create a mobile version of Armies of Gielinor, or perhaps even Arcanists? People would love to see a game as unique and so wildly different from the standard Clash of Clans and Candy Crush in the current mobile market.
The best game to create in mobile would perhaps be Armies of Gielinor, as this not only fits with your current Runescape-themed mobile expansions, but also could be easily converted with minor adjustments, such as changing turn times from 3 minutes to 12-24 hours. This change in turn length would allow players to engage in multi-day games, instead of being forced to play 3 hours in one sitting.
So Jagex, have you thought about expanding your Funorb selection of online games into mobile? Many fans would pick these games up immediately, and a huge mass of people who had never played Runescape would be exposed to them.
09-Mar-2016 05:45:32