I like the tax. I'd thought of it, but I'd reinvest it. In subtle ways. Underpin elements of the economy that might 'need' it.
Was hoping for the quest, but that's tomorrow (right?).
Pricing. I take it that it's done so that the rational alternative (buying membership et al) is the rational, preferred alternative? You know RS doesn't follow this false rationality and there are other elements of your game updates that impliedly support the RWT-g that you want to do away with so until you fix this systemically you'll just move from pillar to post.
I like the approach taken but would, like most if not all of us, prefer a more pragmatic way of your providing this information, not the sugar-coated spin cause even most kids are more sophisticated than that these days.
Given the amount of information you have through your analysis, and while not asking for a direct response I do hope this is acknowledged in some way, I/we (the community) take it that you can and will regulate heavily the bonds and their transactions. This is particularly so in view of the surprising fact that you have stated regarding the amount of players who have engaged in RWT-g. Again, a game with a different type of economy (which this in part attempts to do: as has been said elsewhere this is not a problem faced only by Jagex and the response seems not dissimilar to that used elsewhere) might well be one that is impliedly less conducive to a 'pay to win' mentality because it does not work. While you have a market-led strategy, however, you will create problems for yourselves.
Anyway, hope it helps with getting rid of gold-farmers but could you also do something (some things are easy to do) to either bring back old players or bring in new ones who will stay? Otherwise the only people who play will be maxed and the game will fold in on itself.
25-Sep-2013 16:52:39