Why bonds wont work and why this is a new low for jagex:
OK so there are some pretty fundamental flaws with this concept, and the end product being that it may in fact do the opposite of what was "intended"... and I use the word indented lightly, and I'll talk about this a little more later.
The majority of people will ONLY buy bonds if they sell for a competitive price versus the gold selling websites, which would be fine if you were selling gold directly. but because you are selling an in game item, users then have to rely on that item selling on the ge, which will more than likely decrease in value, dropping lower than that of a gold selling website.
When this happens, the remaining gold farmers could use the gold they farm to buy bond on the ge, and essentially undercut jagex in the sales of bonds.
I would go into more reasons/details why this is flawed, but its honestly not worth it. All in all this it just a scheme for jagex to cash in on the apparent 50% of players who are currently buying gold. and I'm sure they will make some money from it so i guess they can call it a job well done. sadly, most people (my self included) will just see this as another low point in jagex's long line of disappointments.
25-Sep-2013 16:37:23
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25-Sep-2013 16:38:34