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First off I'd like to thank Mod Redfox for taking the time to address and respond to both mine and others comments on this thread. However with that being said;
I'm not sure how you can say the introduction of Bonds does not give both the premise of selling gold and being Pay2Win? I, as well as others, do realize obviously no new gold is being added to the game, however you seem to be missing the point that
even if no new gold is being added, people who purchase bonds from Jagex are essentially purchasing Gold
The only purpose of buying bonds would be to sell them, no? We understand that
no new gold
is being added to the game, however many people including myself, do not like the premise of being able to buy an item with real-life money and then being able to sell it ingame.
As I said before, the most likely reason anyone would buy these bonds would simply be to sell them to other players, and make more GP. I don't think you can say that doesn't have Pay2Win principles in it, because any rich kid could go and buy 5 of these bonds, sell them for 15m each or whatever they're worth, and now he has an advantage over someone who doesn't have the real life wealth to do so.
The complaint is that this gives an unfair advantage to people with deep-pockets in real life over people who don't, and that is a principle that Jagex has previously stated they were completely against.
This +1
25-Sep-2013 20:33:05