I see a few questions coming up over and over again, i think i can help answer some of them.
Why would you take away your revenue source by letting players buy membership with in game currency?
The bonds have to be bought to allow them to be injected into the game. Bonds don't come from drops they have to be bought by other players, and the price of them is at least half that of regular membership and for only 14 days, so they are still making profit.
Why have you implemented RWT?
Im against real world trade, and this is horrible that its come to this. But if jagex can draw money away from gold farmers, they will go out of business. Its not a perfect method, but could pan out in the long run.
Personally, I don't like it, i cant see how it is going to stop people buying gold, because you have literally just allowed players to buy it from jagex, okay its not gold farming anymore, its coming from legitimate players, but the RWT aspect is still there.
This is what jagex has always been against, but ever since the introduction of runecoins and squeal of fortune, ive seen that jagex has become a money grabbing game. Its no different to games that allow you to buy upgrades to get advantages over other players. It is clear to see how many people are against this, and it is possibly the most opposition ive seen for a new update ever. And the fact that you added this update without letting your consumers decide if its implemented or not. You have probably lost the other 50% of your player base by adding this, and you can probably ban the rest because of course youve got proof of gold farming.
Why dont you just ban people that are trading gold for nothing, they are evidently the ones buying gold, introduce the trade limit again, but on a percentage scale! not a 25k limit.
Jagex, do not continue along this path, its only going downhill from here!
25-Sep-2013 18:46:36