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37,475 Players Online Now
So this is your way of saying your game is basically screwed, huh Mod Mark and Jagex? Or is your game is almost completely screwed up and and you just don't want to admit you have a problem with giving us players what we want!?
Just look at some f my ideas! Wall Lamps for Construction! Lightning Spells and Runes! No More Wilderness Penguins! None of these will probably end up getting implemented. And of course, there are all the other player-made and tailored ideas in the New Game Content forum, which are going to waste.
The Bonds idea seems like a good idea, but I highly and sincerely doubt implementing a system like this will put an end to gold farmers.
Burn in Hell, Mod Mark!! -_-
In case you didn't see it before...37,475 Players Online Now
You don't think it will end gold farming because you don't have a brain, give the idea some thought....Really think about the effects of this...
Goldfarming won't end, the prices on 1M is ~.30$ U.S, while going by current prices for 1 Bond, which is ~10M, but costs $5, makes the price of 1M ~.50$ U.S, by Bonds standards.
So $3 for 10M or $5 for 10M. It will still go on, it will still succeed, but to a lesser extent.
25-Sep-2013 18:44:26