
An Important Message

Quick find code: 294-295-324-65645219

NZ Sheeps
Dec Member 2018

NZ Sheeps

Posts: 10,342 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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I love Bonds and I think all the butthurt over them comes from a very vocal, jobless minority.

Well, if we're typecasting then all bond supporters have only played for a year or two and are Real World Traders.

Of course the alternative is that the whole argument is unrelated to real life status and that both sides have points that they consider valid (it's just that yours are wrong :P )

01-Nov-2013 23:46:33



Posts: 168 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It seems that there trying to make it that u can buy bonds then trade it for in game content from other players.. like buy a alot of bonds then trade it for a sara gsword for example. Lets just hope some 12 year old dosent get moms credit card and go with this method could take alot of bonds..lols good run with the wishing well for charity thing tho that was cool. :D

04-Nov-2013 02:11:52



Posts: 1,025 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just gave 3 of my friends bods so they can try out members for the first time =3

Bonds are one of the best updates of recent times tbh <3
On a more serious note i'm not sure if I fully agree with jagex's idea to put them in the market and to let the ge change the price. I know it costs 600k to charge them so merch clans or people can't buy them out. However I just dont see what would have been wrong with having them at a set price (is it to do with other gold farming websites?)

04-Nov-2013 15:31:54

Days of yore
Jun Member 2023

Days of yore

Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is disgusting. It seems jagex has started doing what they so long fought against; RWT. First SoF, then the Solomons store, and now bonds. Probably just another way to make up for the losses caused by the declining amount of paying players. The only thing that changes with this update is that RWT has been made legal, and that the money earnt with it goes to Jagex now, instead of the illegal RWTers.

No way I will ever start playing RS3 again. Such a shame.

07-Nov-2013 14:54:50

Peter 8119

Peter 8119

Posts: 16 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi guys
I personally think that Bonds are great I personally am going to use one as soon as my exams are over. I think that they were implemented very well and that making them largely untradable makes it more accessable then if merching clans took advantage of them

P.S. keep up the good work

08-Nov-2013 12:20:15



Posts: 14 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just confirms why i stopped playing this game. Every time i come back to check out what is happening, out of my own curiosity and something inside me that still links this game to my childhood, i see more stupid updates. All jagex has done is slowly implemented new RWT type things, and over time people have become ok with it. (well some people considering no one really plays this game compared to how many used to). again, congrats on ruining a good game jagex!

16-Nov-2013 21:39:42

Aaa Battery
Jul Member 2007

Aaa Battery

Posts: 1,166 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't see why people moan about things like bonds.If jagex are getting more money to create the game I enjoy then I couldn't be happier. If someone gets gp due to it then good for them it doesn't effect me.

It also gives people who have played for a long time and got a lot of GP a chance to get membership which is also good.

19-Nov-2013 17:10:18

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