
An Important Message

Quick find code: 294-295-324-65645219

Sep Member 2023


Posts: 559 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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The bonds will bounce up and down in price for a couple of months and that is inevitable, but in time as more and more people start to buy and sell them and they become more accepted the prices will stabilise at one price-point that everyone agrees on.

It looks like they're going to stabilize at a point that's ineffective to stop bots. The price of Bonds on the GE has to be high enough to be somewhat competitive with RWTers. Right now, bonds are selling on the GE between 5 and 6 M gp each. They need to be 15 to match RWTers.

If this keeps up Jagex will make Bonds more attractive to players by offering more per Bond. That means give more membership for a bond, more spins, more runecoins, or offer something else.

My prediction is that Jagex will be offering xp for Bonds by the end of the year. You'll be able to trade in your bond for lamps.

Impossible to say this early on since bonds have only been out a couple of days. Instead of being impatient and rushing to conclusions lets wait and see what it ACTUALLY stabilizes at alright?

29-Sep-2013 04:27:41



Posts: 509 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I agree with gust about everyone here this new bond isn't going to put gold trade
out of the game but make it worse the player that do this do it for real money
there not going too stop an I am here too tell you I am not a kid playing the game .

P.S not playing at the moment but will be later when my work slows down .
but good luck any ways wish u the best of luck.

29-Sep-2013 04:27:51

Sep Member 2023


Posts: 559 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Sweet, so now a ten year old with a credit card can be better than my decade old character by a method condoned by the game. I've stuck with runescape through the good and the bad, but this.... This makes me question why I bother playing.

I guess you missed the whole sof update?

29-Sep-2013 04:29:13



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I guess you missed the whole sof update?

Ok, but lets be realistic here.
Yes the SoF was the ''foot in the door''. But how much would you really, really get from 5 bucks worth of spins?
A few cash bags, couple of xp lamps and if your lucky, maybe a good item or so.
All up, what? a few hundred thousand gold? (on average)

But for a single bond, players are looking at 5-10 mil (depending on the person you sell it to)
Thats a big jump.

Many predicted this. Heck, I bought a few lots of spins in the early days of SoF, I didn't have a problem with it. ''Convert To Coins'' was the eye-opener for me.
At the time I'd created a noob account to try out the Burthorpe intro (which sucks, no wonder new players walk away so quickly), but one of his free spins was convertable for 500K !
That was just insane.

So now its a question of: what's next?
'' Grow up Raj, there's no place for truth on the internet. ''

29-Sep-2013 04:36:56

NZ Sheeps
Dec Member 2018

NZ Sheeps

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I guess you missed the whole sof update?

Ok, but lets be realistic here.
Yes the SoF was the ''foot in the door''. But how much would you really, really get from 5 bucks worth of spins?
A few cash bags, couple of xp lamps and if your lucky, maybe a good item or so.
All up, what? a few hundred thousand gold? (on average)

But for a single bond, players are looking at 5-10 mil (depending on the person you sell it to)
Thats a big jump.

Many predicted this. Heck, I bought a few lots of spins in the early days of SoF, I didn't have a problem with it. ''Convert To Coins'' was the eye-opener for me.
At the time I'd created a noob account to try out the Burthorpe intro (which sucks, no wonder new players walk away so quickly), but one of his free spins was convertable for 500K !
That was just insane.

So now its a question of: what's next?

^ This

To put the SoF comparison into perspective, consider the super rare 200 million prize.

People have bought thousands of spins and not hit it. Now someone can buy 200 pounds of bonds and are guaranteed the 200 million return (maybe more if the price goes up).

And before anyone says 'people won't buy 200 pounds of bonds', look at how many have bought thousands of spins...

29-Sep-2013 05:10:30

War tortoise
Sep Member 2011

War tortoise

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Just say no to RWT!

Good thing according to the definition of RTW, this is not RTW.

RTW is selling something you don't own the rights too for money.
Lost Woods numba 1, (NOT EE, Those scrubs are liars ;p)

*~War Tortoise

29-Sep-2013 05:58:41



Posts: 1,410 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
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Just say no to RWT!

Good thing according to the definition of RTW, this is not RTW.

RTW is selling something you don't own the rights too for money.

Care to offer up the URL that contains that definition of RWT or is that merely what you choose to define RWT as? None of the sources I have checked for definitions of RWT has that definition for RWT.

29-Sep-2013 06:16:15 - Last edited on 29-Sep-2013 06:17:38 by [#4QQ2IVQ2P]

Iron Ox77
Nov Member 2023

Iron Ox77

Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
there may be no reasonable answer, but i have a worse senario for you.
player A has stolen a credit card through identity theft, and maxes it out purchasing bonds on a new account based on the stolen card.
player A then trades these bonds to his/her other accounts through "legitimate" trades over and again to scatter the trail.
player A then sells off bonds in a rwt sceme than is troublesome at best to track, effectively laundering stolen money.

as a criminal justice major, i find it both disturbing and enlightening to think of these things. but i am sure i am not the only one. there will be major abuses of this plan that have not been accounted for.

29-Sep-2013 06:26:32



Posts: 691 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
People get stuck on the wrong issue. The debate of RWT or not is irrelevant. It is the issue of buying your way to success in Runescape. SoF, though bad, is chance. Bonds are definite Cash to GP.

In my eyes, Jagex has become what they so desperately wanted to get rid of.

29-Sep-2013 06:30:33

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