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I guess you missed the whole sof update?
Ok, but lets be realistic here.
Yes the SoF was the ''foot in the door''. But how much would you really,
get from 5 bucks worth of spins?
A few cash bags, couple of xp lamps and if your lucky, maybe a good item or so.
All up, what? a few hundred thousand gold? (on average)
But for a single bond, players are looking at 5-10 mil (depending on the person you sell it to)
Thats a big jump.
Many predicted this. Heck, I bought a few lots of spins in the early days of SoF, I didn't have a problem with it. ''Convert To Coins'' was the eye-opener for me.
At the time I'd created a noob account to try out the Burthorpe intro (which sucks, no wonder new players walk away so quickly), but one of his free spins was convertable for 500K !
That was just insane.
So now its a question of: what's next?
^ This
To put the SoF comparison into perspective, consider the super rare 200 million prize.
People have bought thousands of spins and not hit it. Now someone can buy 200 pounds of bonds and are guaranteed the 200 million return (maybe more if the price goes up).
And before anyone says 'people won't buy 200 pounds of bonds', look at how many have bought thousands of spins...
29-Sep-2013 05:10:30