Am I the only one that has paused long enough to wonder where these "testimonials" listed in the initial announcement came from? Are those that gave those testimonials psychic? Was there an earlier announcement I didn't happen to see/notice? Why would a "goldfarmer" give a testimonial to how successful this new bond issue will be in "destroying" his "business"?
I say those "testimonials" are likely false "testimonials" made up by Jagex/IVP as positive propaganda in an attempt to garner positive support for a very controversial initiative aimed solely at generating more profits for IVP to syphon off into their coffers. It is in my opinion merely another micro-transaction aded to the game added solely to increase IVP's anticipated profit margins in Jagex disguised as an attempt to further battle "RWT'ing" so as to try to make it more palatable with the playerbase. Jagex/IVP has jumped right into the "RWT'ing" industry with both feet and have the gall to tell us it is to make us happy.
How can any of us be so easily decieved by Jagex/IVP as to actually think this update was made so as to be to our benefit and not see it for what it truely is, to pad Jagex's bottom line to further benefit IVP? With that said, it is surely a done deal, regardless what we do/say Jagex WILL go through with this and WILL NOT do away with something with so much additional profit potential.
As for something said earlier, "Limited trade was tried and did not work. Junk trading became the way around trade limits, so unles you want fixed prices on items that can not adjust to supply and demand, limited trade would not stop unbalanced trades, would not stop RWT, and would only succeed in upsetting legitimate players by needlessly restricting their trade."
Limited trade DID work and it worked very well, it was why for those years Rune$cape was nearly if not completely free of goldfarming bots or did you fail to notice/weren't yet playing Rune$cape/was on a Rune$cape break during that time?
26-Sep-2013 06:56:55