Mod Tron -
1. For the first mark, I meant donating. Like.. to charities. Not to other players. I leave any free-giving of bonds away to players under the category of gifting. Which isn't a yet available option. So realistically it should only be four uses, with a potential fifth on the way. I still, however, doubt this being added.
2. "Bonds are not designed to straight up replace membership. You are correct in thinking that it is most cost effective to simply buy membership, however this system is a direct response to stamp out gold farmers for good.
It's a sad fact that gold farmers are like cockroaches and will always find a way to survive. We strongly believe, based on evidence of similar systems working in other games, that this will prevent people from even considering purchasing gold - and will in fact help strengthen the in-game economy and make GP a more valuable resource. This will put an end to gold farmers in RuneScape."
So - you're implying this will put an end to gold farmers because anyone who has the intention to gain gold via trades involving these items can simply pop 20$ down and earn god knows how many gold coins. Is that not selling gold? Sure; the chain of events has an extra link on it and literally speaking you aren't advertising it as HEY EVERYONE 5$ CAN GET YOU 10-15m+, but every single person who wants gold can so easily do it now. No more buying 2,000 spins - hoping for a 'maybe' chance at 200m. No, no. Players can now just rely on selling an item a direct market value of that particular item and stock up on it via real-world money.
4. Again, very little side aspects of use besides getting SOMETHING worth money. Whether or not it's the players' choice to with it as they wish, usage of the bond they just bought is rather silly. Gifting it is viable, but by no means whatsoever do I see it as some excuse where it's your runaround excuse for it not being gold selling. All that leaves? Exchange or sale for something with a coin value.
26-Sep-2013 02:17:17