Please note that if this game fails, we, the runescape comunity, will be punished once more.
membership prices will be driven up even more, and treasure hunter promotions will know no end.
as if they did before.
i dont mind jagex working on other games, because that could benefit runescape.
i DO mind the fact that those games seem to fail big time. Which is BAD for runescape.
correct me if i am wrong.
I open the game up (takes ages) and manage to type my email address and nickname in but it freezes when I press register :c Anyone else having same problem?
I'm guessing this is going to be like Transformers Universe where its really fun for a few days and then it just gets old and repetitive. I might give it a try at least though
Lazy Potatoes
yeah sure im not bothering to download it anymore, steam says its corrupt and stops downloading and the opt-to on the my account of the site is saying that i need to download the game, man steam and runescape not working perfectly right now here at my place,damn. bye bye cosmetics gears for free
This reminds me of that game called Ace of Spades. I had looked into it a few months ago, and people left and right said it used to be great until some company that had no idea what they were doing bought it and ruined it. There are a few videos around too, so this company now no doubt has a terrible reputation on steam. Setting your worst foot forward to one of the largest gaming communities is about as good of an idea as spitting in a paying customer's face when they try to tell you that you screwed up their (insert fast food order, pay2pretty-item, lore, weapon, or game of choice here).
A bit more on topic, this seems like you took team fortress and minecraft and put them in a blender. You're missing a few classes, but It's better than the jetpacks every ace of spades player seems to mention. Either way, I'm not too interested in the minecraft-fps games, nor do I care enough for those outfits.
It's not a bad offer though, and I personally think it should be a permanent deal. Maybe you can even strike a deal and offer runescape related cosmetics for other steam games if the player does something in runescape? That's a big advert banner right there, though I'm not sure how easy or difficult it would be to do that.
Speaking of other games made by jagex, is it still taboo to mention that funorb was actually fun until you guys abandoned it?
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