@i Josephine: Not sure why you are trolling, but I suppose I can spare a bit of time for a troll.
What I say are my opinions and if you don't like them, ignore them. So please do not come at me with such comments telling me to leave the game.
Now then lets dissect your flame shall we? First off co-op effects everyone because it brings more people into the area in which you are doing your assignment, thus lowering your experience rate, which in turn is frustrating because it takes even more time to complete. Social slayer acts sort of like you, a troll, on real slayers who actually want to train the skill because in reality someone who solo slays will end up getting much more experience than social slayers which are only there to make a solo slayers life a living hell through taking 2 of the solo slayers possible monsters.
Personally I am a 138 with all the fixings (chaotics, extremes, overloads, steel titan ect.) so I can pretty much annihilate anything in the game when it comes to slayer assignments and in quick fashion. That means that if 2 people come to where I am doing my assignment I have to wait for respawns and then fight the social slayers on getting the respawn monsters. I have a full time job and go to college, thus my time is limited and to have that time taken away from me by social slayers is a bit rather annoying.
Secondly, where in my post am I specifically complaining about people "playing" the game. The answer your searching for is nowhere. I stated that with more people in a slayer area comes less exp, never said I didn't want to "see" people in the "game." Social slayer is a double-edged sword, it lessens the social slayers potential as well as solo slayers in the area. Social slayer has no place in the game.
Also what stops you from being social to people that are on your assignment without teaming up? Why do you need to team up to be social? The answer is that you don't.
11-Jul-2012 22:29:38