The fact you give us charts and data compiled from user given data shows just how little players should trust anything trotted out on the forum by Jagex top brass.
I made a thread called 'Players Misconception' 2 months ago which had a lot of replies from players and a few Jmods. Hopefully some of you will remember it - it got derailed by people saying the information I was giving was wrong because I couldn't prove it.
Now Mark Gerhard has made a News Post (which was requested in the thread) regarding this issue, pointing out the facts that I couldn't point out myself. The information I was giving out was information I seen with my own eyes over the years from being stuck within the Community, making it impossible to get the actual statistics.
I'm not sure if the News Post was an actual reply to that thread, but the people who got involved within that thread a few months back are popular Forum Users. That thread has been removed because of passing the limit, but it was definitely a great discussion with a lot of unawareness equalling to awareness.
Thank you MMG for addressing this issue to the Community
Edward March
Chart 3 has an odd spike in 2012. Why are there so many players still less than level 100?
Free membership trial, I'd assume.
Take that everyone that said we had 100k players online everyday. We only now see the true players online.
And to those that are blaming the EoC for the players online
EoC did hurt the online players... to try and say otherwise you're deluded.. I'd like to see the amount of people who's online time cut down significantly after EoC was release compared to before it, before you post saying "but there was still bots before eoc" then jagex claim they have 100% detection systems, take those users out and give us concrete numbers..
Example the current EoC numbers is roughly that before OSRS was released, and yet OSRS has 20k~ online at times.. while i'm sure not all of them played up until EOC's release, I think it's safe to say alot did.
Even after this thread, you are still delusional about the player numbers.
And so what if OSRS is 20k players online at once? Don't tell me that over 40% of that isnt bots.
mMG confirmed it. You are just butthurt that what people thought was wrong, and that the truth is finally out.
Wes G
But unfortunaly you are selling xp and that has caused me and many many others to stop playing the game. I will wait for the day you stop selling xp and will happily start playing again.
Jagex needs more then membership payments to keep the updates comming weekly.
Not everyone plays hardcore and some bonus xp helps alot to keep the joy in it.
Grindingscape needs to be more adventure and with the voice-quests & other great stuff its getting a amazing upgrade.
I refuse to pay double membership only because some 'hardcore' 'tough' guys dont like Treasure hunt & Solomon store.
Oke some of the updates are terrible but dont forget that Jagex works with PEOPLE and PEOPLE make mistakes.
Dont like it? Quit it.
So because I like to be competitive and don't wanna spend money to keep up I'm some hardcore tough guy? What kind of joke are you?
Even after this thread, you are still delusional about the player numbers.
And so what if OSRS is 20k players online at once? Don't tell me that over 40% of that isnt bots.
mMG confirmed it. You are just butthurt that what people thought was wrong, and that the truth is finally out.
i'm sure some of them are bots, the exact number I do not know, maybe mod mmg could shed some light on that since he's enjoying his percentages?
you're deluded to think that EOC didn't hurt the online numbers on RS3 and that it was solely down to them gettnig rid of bots.
Original message details are unavailable.
We also recognise the transition to Evolution of Combat was too big a change for some, and we sadly lost some of our community with the update.
from MMG himself, he even admits he lost people due to eoc.. if it was a small number i'm sure he would have dished that % out like he did for everything else. It's clearly a large number if he's not posting a percentage, OSRS is out, Legacy mode for RS3 is coming out and a large amount of players on fansites or social media say EOC made them quit RS.
If you think Legacy mode, Revolution mode, OSRS and what else would have came out if a large amount of people didn't quit due to eoc you are only kidding yourself.. all you would have got is "See guys, we know what is best for the game! you should have believed us when we said EoC was needed and is the future!" but since alot of people have quit they are trying to lure those back with the updates I just mentioned for that $$
04-Apr-2014 21:36:13
- Last edited on
04-Apr-2014 21:41:32
Wes G
Wes G
But unfortunaly you are selling xp and that has caused me and many many others to stop playing the game. I will wait for the day you stop selling xp and will happily start playing again.
Jagex needs more then membership payments to keep the updates comming weekly.
Not everyone plays hardcore and some bonus xp helps alot to keep the joy in it.
Grindingscape needs to be more adventure and with the voice-quests & other great stuff its getting a amazing upgrade.
I refuse to pay double membership only because some 'hardcore' 'tough' guys dont like Treasure hunt & Solomon store.
Oke some of the updates are terrible but dont forget that Jagex works with PEOPLE and PEOPLE make mistakes.
Dont like it? Quit it.
So because I like to be competitive and don't wanna spend money to keep up I'm some hardcore tough guy? What kind of joke are you?
Dont forget that you are not the only one playing.
Most people dont complain about this its your choice to play how you like to play.
Destroy your prismatic lamps/stars? Everyone plays for fun and not to brag off.