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If you wish to post song lyrics, try the Games Forum. In your case it would be more in line with the Rants forum though, and lyrics aren't allowed there either. If you disagree with my action, please highlight my post under *Ignoring Forum Specific Rules* and a Jmod will review it.
Calling out and arguing with any mod is also against the rules.
I anticipated your hiding my post so I saved it. I read through the rules, no where did it say lyrics were forbidden. It says:
Always try to ensure that your posts are constructive and interesting. Posting without contributing to the discussion is not wanted.
Offences in this category include:
Adding multiple posts with the same content several times over.
Adding multiple threads with the same content several times over.
Adding posts which are devoid of meaningful content.
Posting to ask for items or gold (begging).
Posting threads with a misleading title.
Text is the basis of all forum activity and, as such, it’s important not to misuse it to cause disruption in the forums.
Offences in this category include:
Posting in all-caps (uppercase).
Excessive use of line breaks or post-stretching.
Posting ASCII-art outside of designated threads.
Do not post with the sole intent of upsetting other players. If you want to leave criticism, consider your post and word it constructively.
Offences in this category include:
Creating threads or posts with the intent of causing unrest on the forums.
Posting to offend, insult, taunt or aggravate other forum users.
Continuous posting to defame or discredit Jagex or its products.
01-Nov-2013 21:39:27