
Prestige Poll Results

Quick find code: 294-295-290-65189306

Slow Light
Nov Member 2023

Slow Light

Posts: 821 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It seems like that many players who voted "no" on prestige were hoping for 120 skills to be released instead (not saying all im sure theres some who voted no and are against 120 skills or just really hated prestige)

If jagex does plan on releasing 120 skills i expect a poll the same as prestige

Yes and No answer and 75% needed to pass

EDIT: 120 skills would hovever not solve the current issues jagex is aiming to fix

23-Oct-2013 19:00:33 - Last edited on 23-Oct-2013 19:03:51 by Slow Light



Posts: 181 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm very happy to see that! Finally, they listen to players, however this is still not enough. Say anything, call me anything, but the Evolution of Combat needs to go. My heart breaks whenever an old player logging in, looking around and asks what happened to RuneScape, then immediately quit...

I would note that the RuneScape community mostly under 12 year. No offense, but I'm pretty sure most of them didn't read just vote yes, so I would not say that everyone wanted EoC, therefore Jagex should re-think about EoC and do something!

Anyone who like EoC, please listen. Are you still remember what was before EoC? It was boring to see how our character kill the mobs, all what we needed to do is click(or no if we killed agressive monsters, or used magic/ranged), but still... that was the way how RuneScape worked! That made this game RuneScape! Now we have a game that very similar to many other... Now you will come with 07! Ahh.. Imaseer.
No. I voted for 07, but for f2p.. Everyone deserve to relive, or first time play the old-school RuneScape. Everyone, not only the members. What about those whom parents not going to buy membership? Or they can't afford for some reason, maybe because one of their parents is disabled, and the other parent need to cure, so they can't work. That player should leave RuneScape, give up his/her dream to become member and enjoy the game? No. The world is full of different peoples, peoples who's life is harder, and maybe their life was a bit, a very little bit easier by enjoying this game, but with that update they lost everything.

Just a suggestion... think about everyone, not only most peoples. The world is a great place! Thats all.
And no.. it's not me. I got work, my life is acceptable, but I know peoples who can't afford the membership as I wrote above, and would be nice to do something for them, to give them a chance!

23-Oct-2013 19:12:17

Lead Wolf
Apr Member 2010

Lead Wolf

Posts: 6,105 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod Jack said :
While it's clear that many of you want to see aspirational content and competition at the higher end of the game, Prestige isn't the form that you want to see it in.


Thank you for voting on Prestige, and listening to our feedback. I really appreciate it. Hopefully a more comfortable ranking system will be laid-out to us all in the future. :)



Lead Wolf


... ''R
Pink for
B-cancer awareness.
Lead Wolf

... ''Rawr!''

23-Oct-2013 19:14:55

Nov Member 2017


Posts: 64 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm kinda happy prestige update not going to happen.Because If it was like a few years back it would've been better because then poeple didn't have so much xp so it would be easier to prestige but now some poeple have over 3B xp.Anyways I find 200m's already taking long so yeah :P

23-Oct-2013 19:15:59



Posts: 98 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think the main reason this failed is because:

#1: it doesn't add 'new' content, only reuses stuff.
#2: it makes getting that 200M xp worth nothing. If you could translate all that extra xp into extra prestige (such as jumping straight to prestige four or something) that might have made those 'maxed' players feel better.
#3: it reeeeally ***** with combat.

I would much rather see something along the lines of raising the maximum levels (although that is so insane and controversial it likely would not be well received at all).

Personally though, I liked the idea and voted for it. I see no reason why it would hurt the game-play and would prove to be interesting... but ultimately the lack of rewards (besides cosmetic I assume) and the devaluing of the 200M total xp thing both combine to make it not really appealing to a lot of players.

23-Oct-2013 19:19:01

Nov Member 2017


Posts: 64 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm kinda happy prestige update not going to happen.Because If it was like a few years back it would've been better because then poeple didn't have so much xp so it would be easier to prestige but now some poeple have over 3B xp.Anyways I find 200m's already taking long so yeah :P

23-Oct-2013 19:19:20

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