i got 2 good options
OR 120 skills with their cape and only different by emote as the 120dg cape
OR make lvl 99 200m xp,shows that 99s are really rare and that you worked hard for it
but to give the current players who got 99 in a lvl enough options i suggest you make the current skillcapes;assistant capes,avaible at level 80 and the current 120 cape,named skillcape,avaible at level 99
Idiots..instead of telling jagex to implement levels up to 120 maybe you should suggest to finish current content.
We have so many skills that needs to be reworked, quests that needs to be finished. We dont have items for lvl 99..not talking about 95 or 90 (only few 90 so far)... Also so many contents are dead so need fix them first or totaly remove them if they are dead...maybe put something new in that place...Or make updates greater so every one would like to grind that place like PC or other minigame.
Then we can think of new world or expanding this one in to bigger and then adding 120in skills. But i suggest to do so only 5 skills per half year or so.
Would be nice to see more polls for new content because at this moment we get rubbish which actually we dont even want.
As a High leveled player myself, I'd love to see some sort of 'Master skillcape' or something or other when a player reaches 200m in a certain skill. (Rather much like Dungeoneering)
As of right now, there's no reason to continue with a skill after 99. If you could give us some sort of reason to be pushing for those 200m's in a skill that'd be fantastic.
One good update you could do would be adding two more letters to nickname cap, so it would be changed from 12 to 15. The players aren't ready for prestige just yet.
Just release the max exp possible and make it infinite, but put something like: if i want to train WC 400m I need to get 300m on all other skills first.
jagex please take into consideration that only a handful of players (less than 2% of playerbase) compete for the first page in all skills and overall. We've been asking for 120 since dung and this is what would satisfy us!
please implement 120 in all skills and release more content for those new 21 levels it'd keep the game from going to end game for a while and it'd keep us very active and as for the completionist cape make a cape called overachievier or something.
dont just jump to lvl 120..maybe add like to 100 in all skills,then 105 in all skills and etc...in in years make them all 120.. but doing that little by little would be much cooler and add all skills at once because then people can chooce what to train first instead of training skill they dont like.