
Content Poll - Prestige

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Pixel Heaven
Dec Member 2023

Pixel Heaven

Posts: 231 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As of right now, too many people voted no, like 62% of the voters said no. I voted yes cause I believe that it would be a great way for competition. Right now, we can't get past a certain spot because there are already people with 200m xp in said skill. What is the point in trying to get 200m xp if there isn't a chance to get to Number 1 spot.

However, there should be something that acknowledges people with more than 13m xp in a skill, this way people would be encouraged to level their skill past the bare minimum.

18-Oct-2013 07:17:17



Posts: 1,138 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I found this thread first, and this was the first I’d heard of Prestige. Knowing that I was probably missing a lot of information, I went and found the original thread detailing Prestige and what it would do and how it would work. I read up to page t10 of that thread, and I’m currently on page 18 of this one (I’m writing this in a Word Document on the side). The mere fact that we’ve been given a poll about it screams that it’s incredibly important, so I wanted to have all the facts and as many differing perspectives as I could before I came to a decision for myself.

One of the things I’ve seen brought up multiple times is the fact that all those high-end players up there with 99s *gestures vaguely to the sky* would be brought back down to the ground, at level one. To me, this poses more problems than it does solutions. The main one being that with the sudden influx of people mining copper and tin (the first example that comes to mind of low-level content, I’m not trying to say it wouldn’t affect all skills equally), the newbies who are playing the game for the first time would be met with swarms of people crowding the recourses they need in order to level up.

I know that if I were a new player, and I wanted to start training a new skill, only to find that it was impossible to gain any experience because all the recourses are already taxed to the limit would be not only frustrating, but intimidating as well. Put yourself in the place of a level three, who is just starting out on their Runescape adventure. Imagine that you’re a little kid, and all that you really know about the game so far is that people whose names are red are better than you, and a sea of red is standing in between you and the things you need in order to play the game.

(...Okay, a glitch where it doesn't tell me how many characters I have remaining just cost me half of this, so I'll continue in another post...)

18-Oct-2013 07:18:02



Posts: 1,138 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Some of them might be great people who are willing to share, or even help ‘guard’ the newbie so that they can train their level the first way through without being harassed by people hoping to raise their prestige. Others might not be so nice. Self-importance and disregard for the feelings of others, is, unfortunately, an unassailable fact of the world and the people that live in it. Sure, some Prestigers might let first-timers have priority when it comes to XP and recourses, but you can sure as heck bet that a lot of others won’t.

First impressions are the most important, and if new players are immediately confronted with a wall of, “Go find your own recourses, these are mine!” every which way they turn, the odds are that they’re going to give up and they’re not going to come back .

Sure, you could say that after a while the waves of people swarming level one recourses would die out, but the problem is that you can reset Prestige as many times as you want, and people would be completing it at completely different times, creating an endless cycle of 1-99 that would leave all the recourses of the world almost impossible to obtain.

So, go back in time, to the first few days that you started playing this game, and ask yourself, if you hadn’t been able to train fishing, or woodcutting, or mining, or whichever skill you started out with, would you still be here today? Or would you have given it up as impossible?
That is the question we need to be asking ourselves. We want this game to continue, and in order for that to happen we need to make sure that its future is secure. Scaring away new players before they even have the chance to decide whether or not they like it yet is not the way to go about that.

Thank you for taking the time to read, and I hope everyone carefully considers all the possible repercussions before they vote.

18-Oct-2013 07:20:42



Posts: 1,138 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
And remember, voting “No” to this poll does not mean that Prestige will never be implemented. It means that it will be reexamined and edited until it is really something worth having. People do not simply vote “No* because they are afraid of change, or because they hate updates. People vote “No* because they see something that could go wrong, and they want it to be reconsidered so that the final product is something that everyone can be happy with.

Thank you again, and I hope everyone has a goodnight. I will continue my posts tomorrow.


18-Oct-2013 07:21:11 - Last edited on 18-Oct-2013 07:26:08 by Rjalker

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 16 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
TeaVeeBug said :
I voted: No,
Simply because it DOES effect me in a really annoying way. The people who want to Prestige will make the prices of supplies skyrocket which will make me have a hard time trying to obtain items to get my 99 that I haven't even achieved yet!
Why wont you focus on the people without 99s and not the people who already have them, giving me a hard time to get a 99 myself... But I'm glad to see alot of people said, No. :)

*The Mahjarrat of war!

Wow The rejection is too great that i wouldn't be surprised if the percentages of Vote "no" go beyond 75 by tomorrow.

18-Oct-2013 07:21:28



Posts: 1,223 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
it's great to see a poll for this, and that it's losing so badly. it's too bad there wasn't a poll for eoc. i voted no simply because repeated skilling is just horrible content. actually, i'm not even sure how you could call this new content considering it's just repeating old content over again. not to mention 200m skills meaning nothing anymore for me and others who spent the time getting there. i'm against 120 skills, but even that's a better option than this. since 120 skills would lead to new higher level content that may have a chance of actually being decent for a change. the only good thing i can see coming from prestige is jagex making more money from players buying spins for some xp. which is already incredibly devalued due to being able to buy your levels with real-life cash. all the free xp you hand out all the time doesn't help either, i'm not sure why anyone would care about highscores/ranks these days.

18-Oct-2013 07:22:59

Aug Member 2008


Posts: 31 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The only reason I voted no is because it would cost us money to switch back and forth. I just dont feel like having to go money making so I just simply switch back to a 99 is all and another thing what would happen if the xp ammount just becomes to much and the person then starts to bull out the other small lvls for example myself and my friends. I personally have played for 5 years and still dont have a 99 because of the prices of stuff sometimes and just I don't want to have to turn my game into a job I enjoy just playing for fun and talking with my clan members =) but I do think its a good idea just fix it a bit and try to think of ways to make it more appealing to the lower lvls to and none 99's like myself who don't want to go broke because someone decides I want to control the entire market and get my xp.

18-Oct-2013 07:32:36 - Last edited on 18-Oct-2013 07:38:18 by Draconeth

King Vorago

King Vorago

Posts: 215 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Imagine the insane skyrocket prices of dragon and frost dragon bones if this was implemented, it would be insanely out of control from ppl sucking them all up out of the GE trying to prestige such skills as prayer. Also why not make it so when you prestige you can customize your skillcape, if prestige allowed for the option to customize and change the look of your skillcape as to make it look more grand than hell yeah i would vote yes.

18-Oct-2013 07:35:02

Rex Valerius

Rex Valerius

Posts: 104 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Rell said :
Ohrty said :
NO to 120

YES to Prestige and YES to Gold SINK for SWITCHING (1m per switch to 99)



Have to agree that the Poll should only be for players pre-October 2013.

... The poll is only for people who were members prior to the release date of the Prestige dev blog (October 2013). Christ, do you people read?

Anyhow, regardless of the outcome I'm happy to see Jagex responding to feedback and giving a poll with a simple yes/no choice. Haven't seen anything like that in a while, so thanks!
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that he does not become a monster in the process. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.

18-Oct-2013 07:38:14 - Last edited on 18-Oct-2013 07:38:41 by Rex Valerius

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