YES raise all top levels to 120 or if you want to keep us in longer - go to 150 or 199.
SKILL MASTERY CAPES can be earned at 99 as before - but as you get higher can TRIM the SKILL MASTERY CAPE with SILVER, GOLD, MITHRIL, ADAMENT, & RUNE. At each level get more spins on "Sqeeley" or extra point advantage ring or necklaces.
The idea of reset back to LEVEL one is basically "VERY LAZY" of runescape designers as they do not have to think of anything new to challenge us. Players are getting to 99 levels quickly because of the massive inflation of point XP thru bonus necklaces, squeeley, lamps, special events etc. But because of the massive inflation of point XP - the levels have remained the same.
So if all levels are raised to just 120 - will keep players playing longer, may have to look at 150 or 199 as long as point XP inflation is available. Now the challenge is not on the players - but on the runescape designers to come up with new monsters, tree, gardening, special fire logs, thieving ideas so that players can achieve higer levels as 50,000,000 XP or more in each level will be a goal.
Idea for runescape designers is to add to the map - new islands, new territories, hey how about a new planet (Runescape Moon). Monsters with multi - heads or multiple arms all with a weapon, trees that breath fire or venom as you chop them, and can kill you. Parasitic monster - as you fight the "HOST" Monster - others appear as he bleeds, or takes on damage.
Runescape designers now have to really challenge their minds to go beyond the basic box that Runescape is currently in - do not get me wrong - it is a great game so far - but go futher, and higher and be better than ever imagined and do it again and again
21-Oct-2013 17:45:29