If they unsticky it, we'll just remake it. We who had the items previously got screwed hard, especially if we had the item keepsaked. If you keepsaked the skull like many of us have, you lose out on keepsake slot and you also can't change the color.
¸•*°°*• °•¤••°°°••, I am the ruler of the stars...¸•*°°*•
Aspect become complete... Open thy malevolent gate...
°•¤•° O 88 Stars of the Heaven... Shine! Urano Metria!°•¤••
"We are all different people all through our lives and that's okay, that's good you've got to keep moving so long as you remember all the people that you used to be."
If they kill this thread, I think they'll get a few dozen replacements and I for one would make sure to bump them as often as I could. I just want a J-Mod to indicate they've been reading this, even if they don't give any answer. I just want to know the one way they approve of us communicating with them really works.