LOL understatement of the year....but they tend to under think a lot of things can't say im surprised.
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I guess they didn't really think it through.. At least now we know we don't have to rush to the store to get stuff. We can wait
Looking at the thread on the new skypoucher outfit much of the hatred seems already gone. I think we should hop over and make it clear we won't forget this!
I saw people posting in the skypouncer threads that they were sure the outfit would be in Solomon's store sooner or later. People now believe any new costume or vanity item will eventually be an override in Solomon's store. I read something about an update to the loyalty shop coming sometime this year, I bet the update will be that all the costumes will be avbailable as recolourable overrides if you pay real money for them.
You know jagex, you have the most stellar PR team. You made a statement, and thats it. No questions have been answered. So much fail jagex, so much fail...
This is why I prefer World of Warcraft. Once a promotion is over it very rarely if ever gets brought back. I didn't even buy the original flaming skull and this annoys me to no end because Jagex just won't stop reintroducing supposed 'exclusive' promotional items. If they plan to have any more cosmetic items in the future they should spare all the drama and just add them to SGS directly instead of bending their subscribers over a table.