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No, he said it's runespan re-skinned. But not explanation as to why. People say it is runespan, but not one can given an answer when asked to explain why.
I know you've seen the explanation already but if you watch the first Divination preview video, at 1:24, Mod Mark plainly says that Divination is a cross between the Runespan and other gather skills.
True, but it´s a bit way too much Runespan. What I want to say is that when Hunter came out, it was something new, it brought all kinds of animals. Woodcutting is all kinds of trees, mining is all kinds of ores, Construction is all kinds of furniture. But Divination? Sucking energy from some flying balls of light that look totally like each other and then throwing the energy to a hole in the ground, whole 99 levels, whole 13m exp. There is less variety than in Runespan, really.
He's right you know. Get wisps, chuck into hole. repeat for 13m xp. And done. It's so terrible, a 4 year old could be more creative. And there's very little back story to something thats supposed to be related to lore. Why are we doing this? For xp. Not for interesting lore and "getting closer to the gods". And as for people saying its social, in a few weeks time those divination spots will be very quiet. Its only social now because its a new skill. Its really bad. There is no variety whatsoever. Jagex better come up with some new content for it soon, because this is terrible.
20-Aug-2013 20:25:48