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Owner/CEO/President/Whoever: OK sales and customer support teams, we're going to be having an event next Tuesday that many customers will be attending during which we will introduce them to some new products and some upgrades to the customer loyalty program. We will definitely have all of our program and product information available for you to distribute to customers by Tuesday, so make absolutely sure that you display the advertising materials for this event around our stores and related retailers.
*Tuesday, opening time*
Sales person: No, sir i'm sorry we actually have absolutely no information regarding the new products or program as of yet. I can't really tell you much more because i don't know.
*Tuesday, many hours later towards the end of the one-day event*
Sales person: Attention all customers - due to unexpected difficulties in the new products and program, this event will be postponed temporarily for probably about a day or so maybe. We will notify you via our website for when the event will be rescheduled.
Dr. Vector: You guys do business kinda similar to another company I can think of, which is to say your way of doing business is terrible and whoever's responsible should be out of a job for doing so.
28-Aug-2013 11:44:05