
Loyalty Store Delay - Update

Quick find code: 294-295-276-65141012

An Aviansie
Oct Member 2004

An Aviansie

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see what i mean? the community is mad at the moment so its unstable to try to talk to them because they will lash out

They have some right to, this only like the umpteenth time we have had issues with communication. Why they cling to social media when they must realize not everyone wants to follow them publicly annoys me. Not everyone wants 'OMG BUY NEW CATTAILS ONLY ON RUNE$CAPE <3 Jagex' on their fb newsfeed. They still have a ton of employees it can't be that hard to get one of them to make a simple post.

Actually, my reason for not following them on Twitter or Facebook is because I don't have or want a Twitter or Facebook account. It has nothing to do with hiding my interest in this game.

That being said, I do wish they would've posted that on the main RuneScape website first.
Armadylean lorebird
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27-Aug-2013 21:48:21 - Last edited on 27-Aug-2013 21:48:48 by An Aviansie

Dec Member 2023


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I think it's hilarious seeing all the people posting about how greedy the community is.

Those people are getting quite a rise out of the opposing posts as well; we have two extremes which are so outrageous that they have to be laughed at.

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I'm sorry, but what? Jagex isn't a charity. I don't play RuneScape for free because Jagex is a kind spirited game lover. I pay them money each month, and when you give money to a business, you generally expect results.

Actually when you "give a business money" that's called a donation. I think you mean to say "when you pay a business for a service" - That service being access to member's content in the case of RuneScape. Keep in mind that membership is the product and, while updates are mentioned as a perk to membership on the official page, it makes no promise of dates, frequency, or content of those updates.

27-Aug-2013 21:48:49

Dec Member 2023


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If I ordered a new couch, and they told me that it would be delivered on Monday, sent me e-mails and told me "Be ready Monday, your couch is coming." and then told me Monday at 5pm that "Oops, sorry, we don't know when you can get it." I'd get a refund.

This is a horrible analogy unless you're ordering a custom couch being built up from scratch at the time of purchase, as opposed to one that's been pre-manufactured and sitting in a warehouse just waiting to be shipped. The former is an extremely unlikely scenario and, even then, an impossible comparison.

Regardless, as an attempt to make this hypothetical in any way comparable, it would be more akin to ordering a couch, being told you will recieve it on Monday, only to get a call at 5pm that day telling you that the delivery truck has broken down, all efforts to fix it have been unsuccessful, and that they'll be delivering it tomorrow instead. They would not offer a refund and the customer likely would not ask for one because they would have enough sense to understand that these things happen and they're out of people's control; The customer would just be happy that the store made sure to contact them personally, let them know the situation, and promise delivery ASAP.

27-Aug-2013 21:48:57 - Last edited on 27-Aug-2013 22:00:44 by JackScape

Dec Member 2023


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I don't see why so many of you act like Jagex doesn't owe the players anything, because they do. They owe me AT THE VERY LEAST, access to the game. And when said game goes down, it is their responsibility to inform me "Hey, we had some downtime, this is what happened, here's why it won't happen again."

This is about the only point I'll agree with you on, although it has nothing to do with today's update delay. We do deserve better communication about server issues, why they happen, and what's being done to prevent them. I fail to see the correlation between that and this, however; Are you now holding the website maintainence team's shortcomings against the developers? As you've made sure to point out, Jagex is a business - a pretty big one. And, as with any business, departments tend to run independantly. You're yelling at the cashier because the stockboy is slow when, really, you should be speaking with store management.

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Instead, this is the FIRST time I've seen Jagex post about an update being delayed. Maybe it's some massive coincidence that this update happens to be to Solomon's Store, I don't know.

As was mentioned by somebody else, this is one of the only updates that Jagex has given a promised date for - And made the mistake of plastering that date everywhere. Usually updates are given very generalized release dates as to avoid delays like this, so when they take longer than expected they really have no notification to give because those expectations are largely on the playerbase's end. This is the one time they've given a date recently, and so it is the one time they've given a delay notification.

27-Aug-2013 21:49:05 - Last edited on 27-Aug-2013 21:50:13 by JackScape

Dec Member 2023


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What I do know is that communication like this is totally unacceptable, as a customer I expect that if you give me a date, you can follow through with it, and if you can't, you need to let me know why in a timely manner, and that follows for every update, not just the ones that put more money into your pockets.

You expect far too much, I'm afraid. Businesses only give dates that they can reliably meet. The reason why Jagex rarely gives anything more than generalized timeframes is because they update on a near-weekly basis with tons of content development happening in different areas at different stages at all times.

If you want reliable dates from Jagex, they would need to scale back development to more scrutinizing levels and provide maybe one update a month. The fact of the matter that RuneScape's constant updates come at the cost of generalized timeframes. Personally I'm fine with that; That's how it's been from day one and that's how it should continue. It would be nice if they could give exact dates and predict delays ahead of time but they operate on too large of a scale for that.

27-Aug-2013 21:49:45 - Last edited on 27-Aug-2013 21:50:40 by JackScape

Oct Member 2023


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Original message details are unavailable. the umpteenth time we have had issues with communication.

So issues with communication = two hour delay. This is a game, AKA something we do for entertainment. It's not like this two hour delay caused human deaths. If this is the worst you have to worry about in life, I envy your simple existence.

27-Aug-2013 21:51:06

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