J mod 1: I'm not telling them, you tell them!
J mod 2 No way am I telling them!
J mod 3: Hell after what those greedy back stabbing swine did to So Wr3cked?
Mod Mark: Ok ok, well draw straws.
all: Agreed.
Ask-Kinshra-Slave on
Yes, it's absurd to think we should have the privilege to be properly informed on what's going on with a game we throw our money into. Such an absurd idea indeed.
"I've got a few screws loose, but I'm a l'Cie, same as you."
Original message details are unavailable.
Original message details are unavailable.
"Behind the Scenes is a sneak peek at the planned game updates that we hope to launch in the coming month.
This, however, is only a plan - not a promise - that a particular update will be released in a particular way or at a particular time. To get you the highest quality updates as quickly as possible, we usually keep on tweaking and testing right up until the moment before release, so sometimes things change or take a bit longer than expected. We aren't afraid to change our plan if necessary, as we will never launch an update before it is ready."
They put this at the bottom of every BTS, some of you people need to learn how to read.
Most folks know that. But when there's so much build up given, in-game notifications, banners on the main site, the Friday BTS video dedicated to it, there's MORE than enough evidence that it should have been out today.
truth. i was expecting an update today but whatever. its not like the things i wanted to get are able to be bought with loyalty points anyway. why dont they just trash the solomons store and make every items bought with loyalty points. #notsuprised #iwanttheassassinsoutfit.
Here for a good time, not a long time.