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Everyone should calm down. Weekly updates to any software based product is no easy feat. In my experience working as an administrator in a software development firm, weekly updates either get delayed or pulled often as testing finishes up on a monday or tuesday morning in some cases and other documents are buttoned up. The lack of communication most likely originated from someone trying to either get an ETA on how long it would take to fix the bug and based on the ETA could the release still go or not.
They had to decide first if they were going to delay it before they could alert players that they would delay it. There is a thought process and methodolgy around this which takes time to complete. Likewise, they most likely have to speak to other departments and let them know what is going on so that the message we receive is clear, concise, and consistent.
The only irony I am finding about the complaints is that if this issue wasn't found then players would be raging becasue it wasn't found. I feel for Jagex because they are always between a rock and a hardplace. They can never do anything correctly or fast enough.
Sorry but that is not the problem here.. We are angry with the lack of communication not with the update itself. Do not make excuses for the company because they have lack of Communication skills
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27-Aug-2013 17:39:07