Gyrd Shaljas: I believe "Well. Someone claimed, killing Guthix would mean the end of Giellinor. But since he didn't create Giellinor, that can't be a fact." is referring to what I said? Well that's not what I said at all.
I said that the only way to banish Guthix would be the utter destruction of life in Gielinor, not that killing or banishing Guthix would CAUSE the utter destruction of life in Gielinor. Also, all your references to killing gods: The only currently known power strong enough to slay a god is the godsword, which was forged for this very purpose. No doubt it'd only actually even be a powerful enough tool in the hands of the gods themselves, so no mortal (like the dragonkin) would be able to try.
As for the person saying about the broken shaft of the Staff of Armadyl being stolen and the orb that adorned it being reformed... How can you even think this? Not only would a person need to find all 100 scattered pieces of the orb, they would also need to steal the shaft from an extremely powerful group of opponents. Not to mention the fact that the shaft is BROKEN, and being a god artifact, there is little chance it would be fixable by anyone alive today.
I also believe someone said Seren was out of the question, why is that then? The only reason Seren isn't playing an active part in Gielinorian business at the moment is the Edicts, but they prevent ALL gods and major deities from interacting directly (Zaros notwithstanding). If the Edicts were terminated in any upcoming storyline, Seren would once again be able to grace Gielinor with her crystalline presence. As the divine aspect of the Anima Mundi, I'm sure Seren would have quite a large part to play in any ensuing fights, as it has been said that the Anima Mundi is an extremely powerful energy.
15-Jan-2013 05:54:52