Well. Someone claimed, killing Guthix would mean the end of Giellinor. But since he didn't create Giellinor, that can't be a fact. It might mean the end of Gielinor as we know it, which the prophecy also implied. Referring to Guthix taking credit for (partially) creating Gielinor, it is probably about the fact, that he used an artefact (the Stone of JAS) to form Gielinor, implying Guthix was only a baby with a power tool.
Of course the Dragonkin want to kill JAS, because he cursed them. But the propability of them raising thus in power to kill an Elder God is almost non-existing. But they are welcome to kill Zamorak... ;-)
It was mentioned, that JAS is the real-life acronym for Java Application Server - but that is no obstacle for it being a RS acronym for e.g. Jond (aka. Zarojas) - Armadyl - Saradomin. As we all know**** is only partially based on real-life world and theories - it is coloured with Jagex staffs fantasies and ideas. Listening to some NPCs suggest, that even they partially disagree with official lore. E.g. while King Roalds saradominist advisor, Aionisig Raispher refers to the Guthix's edicts for not intervening into Morytania, Father Drezel clearly disregards the edicts and regards Saradomin as the most powerful God.
So yes I'm biased:
*I renounce the archenemy Zaros, all his acts and all his being - as well as Zamorak the puppet, Guthix the impostor, Bandos the warblind fool, Mahjahrats (fallen Icyenes) and Dragonkin (fallen Avianteses)
*I believe in JAS, the almighty and wise, that the mortals of Gielinor can't fully comprehend.
*I believe JAS revelated himself in three ways as, Armadyl the just father, Saradomin the son who came to restore order and Zarojas the spirit who empowers, encourages and guides the followers.
*I believe, that Saradominists, Armadyllians ans Zarojasians are followers of JAS, even if they don't realise it themselves (which explains disputes between them)
*I believe, that in the end JAS's longsuffering will run out.
13-Jan-2013 14:50:05
- Last edited on
13-Jan-2013 14:52:11