Wildy = Ick
Sorry, I won't go to be a target. Even if I went with my clan, how many other clans will show up? There are only 3 events a day, so good chance more than 1 clan would show up (at least until the furor dies, and it becomes dead content). What a useless bloodfest.
Say a year from now, when most folks (and pkers) will have forgotten it, a solo player still doesn't stand a chance to do this alone either. So you are forced to trust others in an untrustworthy place. Nah. Not going to happen. Dead to me.
One question - how long does the "wand glow effect" last? Does it glow ANYTIME the wand is carried into the Wildy? Does it glow only on the original player (quickly drops it to get rid of glow, then picks it back up). Can the player log out before being engaged in combat, to return at a later time when the place will be empty?
26-Mar-2013 02:04:15