Great update.
Just gonna give out some feedback positive and negative
Finally a good way to train some prayer, summoning and other skills, get involved with the clan and also gives wilderness a great diversity. Excited to get out there for this update.
This training method benefits high level max players. It's in the wilderness, and as I'm sure you know, the wilderness is dominated by pkers. Can you honestly wonder how many players will play this update? Pker's will obviously block routes, go to locations, spoil the activity. You left out zaros, which is disappointing, especially since he has dominated the storyline of runescape for a good while.
In conclusion, I think this activity is headed in the right way by giving exp for prayer, summoning and herblore, which is my opinion needed a new good way to train because they are extremely expensive, which excites me. However, it is disappointing because this update really only benefits pkers, most of which, already have max prayer and herblore and summoning, and seeing as how these don't play into combat levels, I think the biggest problem is that pkers will basically harass people there for the exp, and once people stop going because they have been pk'd, there will be no one for the pker's to kill, so they will leave. In essence, I see this update being obsolete within a couple months.
Looking forward to future updates in the future. (hopefully ones not designed for max players and that offer exciting economic new ways for players to train herblore, prayer and summoning)
24-Mar-2013 01:16:52