Regarding the loyalty store updates, can we please have:
A do-over (for instance, Xuan takes all our auras and loyalty items back for a full refund) and then we can buy them back, and then sell back to the story for 75% store credit. This allows experienced players who no longer need auras that go unused or that were purchased on whims or poor choices to be recycled, keeping the store community-driven.
New auras and fixes to the old ones, like tier 1, 3 and 4 penance/vampyrism/equilibrium and knockout/dark magic/berserker/greenfingers get fixes so they are fully functional
Can we have an aura upgrade that cuts down the cooldown, which would be expensive but very worth the points?
Also, the loyalty store has been there for a rather long time now, almost two years, so will members that have been loyal throughout those years get the yearly bonuses as a thank you for being loyal (which is the point of the system) or will the new rewards be only available from the update onwards? Implementing this can negate the need for a do-over for loyal players and will truly reflect rewards for those who have purchased membership consistently. If this is not implemented and new players get the same benefits as the old loyalists, this will demean the program heavily by rewarding those that havent earned it, and ignoring those that have.
01-Aug-2013 14:02:22