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"If you're a free player, don't forget that - as with all members' skills - the first five levels of Divination will be available for you to try out. "
Hate to break it to you, but Construction cannot be trained by free players at all. But I can understand why you'd want to do this, since free players are treated as second class citizens and are deserving of being forced into homelessness simply because they choose not to pay for what is widely advertised as a free game with no mention of a membership fee, despite the free game representing less than a quarter of the game and even less of new content.
Anyway, a new gathering skill? Interesting. I wonder how much can be done in the first five levels, if anything.
Unfortunately it is paying members that fund the updates and enable Jagex to pay staff etc to improve the game. It enables you to get a taste of the game without having to pay anything to see if you like it. While I know many can't afford a monthly membership , membership cards can be bought for some membership time even if you can't be a permanent member.
As a paying member I am happy to have some of my money enabling free players to play a limited version of the game, because I understand not everyone can afford membership and someone has to pay for the free servers that host the free version, but I do agree 5 levels is not a lot. Personally I wouldn't mind if they increased it to 10 or 20 but no more than that, Other members may not agree with me at all on this. I have played since 2004 both as a free and member and I know members is a much better option. Being able to do any of the member skills is a completely new feature which wasn't available when I was a free player. but really all they are giving you is a taste of the benefits you get as a member. You can't get all features for free. Over the years I have seen other updates to the free game than what was there when I started.
01-Aug-2013 23:59:08