I usually try not to complain too much, but I've been really disappointed in the last couple month's Behind the Scenes. In fact, besides the World Wakes and some of the small technical updates that make certain tasks a little easier, I haven't really found any updates to be excited about so far in 2013.
I know you guys said we were getting TWO new skills this year, but here we are nearly halfway through and nothing has even been hinted at either one... Not to mention any news on the new elf quest, and you're already getting opinions on whether you should continue the gnome, dwarf, or pirate quests?
I love this game and have always thought of you guys as great player-focused developers, but it seems like the improvements are starting to slow down to a grinding halt, and you've been focusing on content that nobody is really asking for...
01-May-2013 20:21:44