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I am a Little concerned about the Zarosian Emissarie from God Emissaries that will come. Since Zaros was banished during the Second Age and Saradomin and Zamorak made sure that as good as all Zarosian followers were killed and all texts about him were destroyed, it would not really suffice that the NPC would be human, because there is no human alive that can tell for sure who Zaros is and what he represents. Azzanadra is one of the few that could work this role out, maybe in the shape of Dr. Nabanik, since he was there when Zaros ruled and he also has Contact with him through the communion portal that was established during the Temple of Senntisten quest. Just a Little piece of advice...
I've thought about that too. Cool as it would be for it to be Azzanadra, I don't think he's the most likely candidate. For one thing, if it was discovered Dr. Nabanik was Zarosian, there could be consequences.
Personally, I'm willing to say the emissary could be Akthanakos. He's powerful enough to defend himself. He wouldn't be compromising himself as much as Azzanadra would be. He seems to be the go-to recruiter for the Zarosians (if Enakhra and Kharshai are any evidence). And, like Azzanadra, he's actually met Zaros and follows his ideals. Plus, Akthanakos needs a bit of character development, outside his rivalry with Enakhra. He's the least developed Zarosian Mahjarrat at the moment, and does have potential.
He's idealistic, and stands up for his Zarosian brethren despite being weaker than most of them. That takes quite a bit of strength. Plus, he spent longer than Azzanadra spent in Jaldroacht, fully conscious; and he didn't go insane. Being the emissary would be a cool way to explore his character.
02-May-2013 20:11:03
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02-May-2013 20:31:47