I like the sound of the new farming plants; I'm not a big fan of farming, and generally just stick to tree plots and the occasional herb, so it'll be nice to get a new use for those other plots and some extra xp.
The god emissaries sounds interesting, though I kinda hope you can switch allegiances at later times if you want. A new quest would be more appreciated, but I kind of like the boost in accessible lore. Still, new quest por favor.
The nexus also sounds interesting. On the one hand, I wouldn't mind having a new training method for prayer rather than just one time use amount of xp. On the other hand, it'd probably be a bad idea to give prayer a 'Runespan-like' method of training, so I can understand why it's more limited. Still, it'll make things a little less daunting for newer players to get a start on prayer since high level players drive bone prices so high.
I'd like to know a little bit more about the change in the xp boosting items; if I'm understanding it right, it basically will make it unecessary to wear the boost items to get the bonus? (i.e. I have the Construction xp bonus gear from Temple Trekking in storage in my POH or bank, but I'd still get the xp, or does it have to still be in your inventory?) Of course, I'm hoping you mean all bonus xp items, but I'm already dreading that it's only for the SoF items...
01-May-2013 17:05:15