We've got some cool stuff coming to Solomon's Store and on the Squeal of Fortune, with dragon keepsake keys for weapons and a bunch of amazing new PvP death animations.
Skipped over this part as soon as I read 'Solomon', turns out I shouldn't have. I'm really not happy about these PvP death animations becoming paid content, we should be given the chance to customise these for free.
Or even better, match the death animation to the way we die -
if we die by dragonfire, we collapse into a pile of ashes. If we are shot by a ranger, we fall over with some arrows sticking out of our chest. And so on, this is the type of detail that can add a lot to a game, so I'm sad to see it wasted, yet again.
@ Mod Drebin, Why is bad language allowed in-game, but not on the forums? I coulda used words a lot worse than what I did. If you can't say bad words on the forums it shouldn't be allowed in-game either since the same people on the forums are also playing the game. Tbh the word I used wasn't even a bad word in today's society.
I agree also that death animations should be linked to how we were killed, it would make fighting feel more realistic. I'm not paying for these animations on sgs so I guess im out of luck....
This month sounds good. Better then the other months, I think the only sad thing is the nexus is only low level prayers but that would be good for them