If you knew anything about marketing you would quickly realise that the number of accounts equals money. The larger number Jagex can show off the more attention and money they will get from investors and public.
In this case Jagex is deliberatly lying, calling 200 mil accounts "players", for the above reason only. We all know there are tops 2 mil active players at most.
And if you are being realistic- lets say there has been 10 mil real players on rs through the years (a strong exaggeration). And lets say they've all made 5 accounts each in average, as backups, pures etc. That's still only 50 mil accounts?
The main part of those 200 mil accounts are botters accounts - nothing else. Nothing to be proud of.
As someone said earlier; "the large number of accounts only reveals that they have a botting issue they can't handle - they should be ashamed, not proud".
04-Jul-2012 22:06:52
- Last edited on
04-Jul-2012 22:10:17
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