The massive amount of negative feedback on like.. Almost all of your new posts..
Think maybe.. Just maybe.. You're doing something incredibly wrong?
This isn't just about the bots that you people endorse, it's the gambling. You are now, quite effectively, becoming the worst Real World Trading problem in this game.
Buy spins is buying Runescape money. Bots. All the bots with the new membership program are doing this, getting massive amounts, and turning around and selling it.
Lucky for all of us, you've showed us the nearly 195 million bots doing this.
Unlucky for us.. You've showed you're not only not doing anything about it.. You're helping them.
I resubbed my account for a month to see how things were going.. Due to all of the bad updates, and the large amount of bots even after your 'nuke'...
I've been gravely disappointed.
Oh well.
I'll take solace in the fact that your community of players, and thus of income, is dieing.
Once the legit players leave, the bots and gold farmers will no longer have a reason to stay because they won't be making any money selling virtual money on a game that no one will touch. Ironically, because of them.
Games rise, games fall..
Not all fall because of greed, though.
That reason is just becoming increasingly more popular.
That's my two cents.
16-Jun-2012 20:01:03
- Last edited on
16-Jun-2012 20:03:40
Caged Wolf