Oh hell, come on Jagex, celebrating an achievement like this means nothing while you keep alienating your players. Getting new accounts is as big an achivement as wulfing down a load of tacos, they don't stay with you and in the end you still stink.
Try and live up to your now self dubbed title of the #1 free mmorpg, I have news for you, the only reason this still holds true is because World of Warcraft has a leg up on you in the stupid update, and ignorance of the community departments. You've even started making a premium currency, which is still real world trading, if once removed, and who knows how much longer untill that currency starts directly being used to buy things that can only be bought with Jtokens, or things that are timed and expire after so long.
Jagex, you're starting to try and be like every other MMO, and that's not what drew so many people in to play runescape in the first place, RuneScapes novelty was the attracting feature! It was different, the graphics didn't matter, the gameplay did, and the quests stood out so well, who knows how long till you guys start making cookie cutter quests, essentially making quests exactly like the Slayer skill.
I'm tired of bad updates, half hearted appeasment, and right out lies on guranteed content. I want to see runescape stop with the zealously ambitious updates, take a step back and try and remember its roots and revive that, work with the groundwork and raise runescape back to its former glory! Stop the imitation and the misdirection, you're only fooling yourself these days; saying "There was a greater positive response" isn't really true, 51% positive isn't a vast enough majority, since you likely base off of your average online player count, and the average of those are bots, and alts!
Everyone Who Agrees With Me Repost This All Over The Forums!!!!!
16-Jun-2012 03:22:27