This is completely stupid, why do you keep making new versions of runescape.... Runescape used to be a great game, by making new versions your decreasing ammount of players. Seriously, i thought the coming of eoc was the last update you'd do. Tens of thousands quit due to it, and now your releasing rs 3?! when will you ever learn jagex! I've playin this game since 2005, i seriously know better than you mods, you think your improving the game. Look at the state of it. In 2006 the population of runescape hit 200k players D A I L Y. Today we're struggling to get 100k players. Look at the game, your R U I N I N G it. You think upgrading it will help it become a better game, the whole point of rs is the fun of pking and olden medieval times. I might aswell go play World of Warcraft, if you do this stupid RS 3, i might aswell play W O W. It's much better than runescape if your going to "modernise" it. So i advice you, stop ruining runescape. We like it how it is. Just stop it. And to all you new comers of J-Mods, please you dont know how runescape works, you think you know best. The majority of rs players like it as it is now. Just S T O P ........... M A K I N G .... U P D A T E S ......!
24-Mar-2013 10:36:25