1/3 We of the clan world have given you much warning about your game, our largest out reach was with this video it is kind of long but it's definitely worth a watch( I know Mod Mark and few developers have already wat*hed it):
We who actually play this game, know what is needed to keep people interested. You don't need this poll to tell you bringing back the servers is the right thing to do, we're telling you it is we all are. As stated on this thread(16-17-704-64235384) you're only allowing people who already pay for membership(meaning they do enjoy EoC vote) by doing so you're neglecting the F2Pers which lead to the initial decline of your game. You want people to buy membership? let's be real they have to enjoy the F2P first before they decide to pay for the P2P this is a concept you do not seem to understand. You've neglected and killed off F2P, therefore the new players come in they see the terrible F2P, why would they pay for membership? because you say its supposedly better? They'll judge on there own, because we're people who make our own opinions not dummies who will take your word on everything. We of the clan world have put our minds together and even made an appendix on how to re-popularize your game(its linked on the video above at the end) We know what is needed we have brains too. We are the players, we're telling you what will keep us interested, and then you go in the polar opposite direction with your updates. Mod Mark, I watch the interviews and all and see you claim to have several years worth of updates already planned, this will do you no good if your players already leave the game out of disinterest.
14-Feb-2013 06:17:39