For those wanting anything other then 2007scape, and stating your reasons of how jagex can do this, understand some things first.
1)A company does not maintain every old copy of a game, as that would cost too much money, especially for a game like Runescape that is updated constantly.
Most likely, Jagex maintains a recent backup and when the current update looks like it is working fine, they replace the backup with the current version of the game.
2)Using coding from a "private server", Jagex would have to go through every line of code to make sure that nobody sabotaged the coding to ruin Jagex servers or hack players accounts. While Jagex could do this, they would have to pay people to do such, and as Jagex stated, they have a 2007 version in full that they do not have to do much with to make sure it is secure and safe.
3)As not other older version, like pre-eoc, 2009scape, or any other version was maintained in its entirety, Jagex would again have to spend extra money to make such versions work, or remove and replace coding to remove "updates". Again, as they have a 2007 version maintained and ready to go, with minor tweaking for removing known glitches and setting up for account login, going with the 2007 version is the cheapest for Jagex to do.
So stop complaining about why not another version/year.
Don't ask for f2p to vote, if you want 2007scape, show Jagex by becoming a member and voting for it. If you are not willing to do such, you are all talk and will not pay to maintain a 2007scape server and staff.
14-Feb-2013 06:12:43