Yesyesyesyes!!! Okay. A couple key points. First off, I'd like to extend a huge thank you to the Jagex crew for even ****idering this. I've been in full support of a project like this for awhile. While yes, I'd prefer a 2006 version, I also completely understand why that would not be feasible. So if 2007 is the best available, more power to you.
I'd also like to add a suggestion into the mix. Understanding that you are a business, and as much as we may not like it, revenue is the most important thing for any business, I can see where you are coming from when you make the vote members only. But I'd like to suggest a free player poll as well, just so you can see how many new members you might receive were this to happen. Also, what about ex-members who terminated their payments because they grew unhappy with the game past this point? I was a member back in 2007 (not on this account though. I don't even remember which account) and I'd be more than happy to pay the membership again to go back to 2007. But as a free player now, I cannot officially give you my input as you are allowing the members to*
**;dr Great going Jagex. Thank you for at least attempting to implement our feed back. But free players CAN make up a portion of your incoming revenue, if pay as much attention to us as your current members. I was a member then, and I would do it again for 2007, so any money that I WOULD put into it should also allow me to vote and voice my opinion.
13-Feb-2013 21:30:39