Rsking i had a midterm and came back 4 hours later and you're *Still* trolling....
Son I am dissapoint
Also, why are people complaining about needing to be a member to vote? Talk is talk. You can shout that you'd pay for something all day long but that means nothing. Having a membership PROVES you're a loyal consumer to back up those words.
It's not reseting all accounts, or starting off "fresh." It says in the second thread in the first paragraph that we can use our current accounts, along with using the "saved account" option like in the eoc beta to upload our current stats. Only thing I'm puzzled is about items such as Chaotic's, curses, etc. Worked hard for them, but so excited for 2007 Runescape server!!!
Thank you for recognizing the interest of the players. This is one update that makes me want to renew my membership.
Still having fun since that first day of tutorial island,-
-Lamp eel
love the idea, but truly think the member only voting is BS, should be accounts that were made before 07, i quit RS i got no membership so i can't vote. :/