Level 4 - 750,000 or more votes:
"...no extra membership fee and (((the free portion of the game available to all)))."
See that, in parentheses? That little claus? To all of you asking WHY this vote requires membership aside from what is in the topic... think about it. 2007Scape is going to be a MEMBERS ONLY FEATURE, just like RS Classic sign-up. So if you want to whine about getting membership back to vote, but you also want to play 2007Scape... Guess what? You're gonna have to pay to play ALL of 2007Scape anyway, in some way. Even at 500,000 votes you'll have to pay for regular membership to play 2007Scape. Only if we reach 750,000 votes will PART of 2007Scape be free (to the f2pers).
Have fun thinking about that!
14-Feb-2013 02:22:03