I have a very important question.
In 07 server once our stats are "fresh", what happens to rare items like partyhats, santa hats, and masks? Do they not exist? Curious about that one. Also with this in mind, will you have like a thread or post about huge changes from today to then? I believe all players to be able to know the difference of 07 and now. As a friend of could just say, "hey, i'll join the crowd and just vote yes to just test it out." He doesn't really know what he is voting on. Just something I would like cleared up with the rares and a thread about HUGE changes*****, special attacks, etc.)
They probably will not exist, or will be added through some means. None at all is probably best.
The current RS will not be affected by this poll in any way, so voting yes has no consequences in terms of that. The game you *now won't be changing, they will just be coming out with another version of it.
14-Feb-2013 00:14:02