@awio -- those votes were not legitimate, accounts were mass made through bots and players to aquire that high number of votes, that's why this is for members only... want to make multiple accounts to vote... pay for it
\\ \\ \\_________|`›¸ ............Sir.RôbiñHôôd ......... ¸‹´|_______// // //
// // //¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¸‹´ ......200 Mîll Räñgé XP ....... `›¸|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\\ \\ \\
Cowctus said:
Well thanks Jagex for giving us false hope.
There aren't even close to 750k members, let alone even 250k and even 50k would kinda surprise me. There's not a damn chance in hell that we would get 750k votes. People aren't willing to pay to vote, and you making the poll like this for members only makes it look like a giant scam just to recieve more profit from the gullible people who pay membership just to vote. If you were fair you would make it open for the public, not just for members.
Don't forget the ultra powerful spamming bot vote. Mod MArk said they got 1.2 mil votes before and there weren't that many members then either. They'll get 1 mil votes easy, even if nobody actually votes. Remember that little vote counter on the home page that went up even when all the servers were down? The decisions are already made. It's a way to "bring back the veterans" and expand revinue flow.
Just a cheezy way to do it...
Beije (Top of this page) couldn't have said it any better, and he is a 'Vet'.
And Fury Storm is already supporting my theory, that people will be appalled at the fact they have to start fresh in 2007Scape, which will most likely turn away potential players.
QPC Since Dec 9th, 2020
13-Feb-2013 19:56:23
- Last edited on
13-Feb-2013 19:57:46
Runes Rath
Ah jagex, you sure got my interest again.
It has been a long time since I played Runescape and I am considering playing again if this pulls trough.
However my concern is the decision to make the 07 version instead of the 05-06 version of the game. I left Runescape not only to build up my social life but also because I wanted the old Runescape back so I could pk with just my bow and lobsters instead of the stuff you need now.