
Old School RuneScape Anyone?

Quick find code: 294-295-158-64458191



Posts: 104 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My suggestion for rares is having a random amount dropped at certain times, maybe like once a month one type of rare at a time, and have 100 of that particular rare scattered in random places on the runescape surface all over the map on each world, it would be better than putting them into a shop. :L

14-Feb-2013 16:34:31

Saint Knite

Saint Knite

Posts: 442 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Rares can be implemented like they were back then by RARELY and randomly spawning them into the game. The amount should simulate an estimated amount of active traded rares back then, or just a certain ratio of players to rares. The spawning will be temporary. Phats will need to be spawned without the whole cracker pulling option as people would hoard the crackers.

14-Feb-2013 16:34:45 - Last edited on 14-Feb-2013 16:37:24 by Saint Knite

Omfg KO

Omfg KO

Posts: 482 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
'Lastly, I want to add members that do indeed vote for the reinstatement of the service will all get their first month of 'Old School' RuneScape for free regardless of the eventual level achieved therefore those signing up just to vote you will not need to pay twice'

This means you get your first month of 07 scape free, so you're paying to vote and to play your first month.

14-Feb-2013 16:34:45



Posts: 4,725 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
If you are trying to get veteran players to return, why would you prevent non-members from voting? Most of my buddies that don't play anymore (because they say you ruined the game for them), aren't going to re-join just to vote on this. Since you keep track of player account history, I don't understand why you don't allow anyone who had an active account back in 2007 to vote?
I myself have played continuously since Spring of 2006 and have no desire to go back to Summer of 2007, no matter how nostalgic. I think this is just a distraction from the current game and would lead to luring, scamming and botting problems like we had back then (the entire reason you cut free-trade and lost much of your membership and drove the price of rares into the ground).
You have finally smoothed things out and we now have some stability and now you are fanning the flames again?
Instead, why don't you focus on improving the EOC.
For example, why does the ability bar cooldown at all? We hate it! Have any of you mods gone to tds? Switching armour and ability bars is such a pain in the @$%. There should be no cooldown on ability bar unless we use an ability that drains it (threshold/ultimate). I am sure that is the opinion of others as well and think that this would be a much better thing to vote on!

Skilled White Dragons - Skilling/PvM - Tier 7 cit - Fun - Community - Friendly

14-Feb-2013 16:35:14 - Last edited on 14-Feb-2013 16:37:45 by SWD

DILF For You
Oct Member 2023

DILF For You

Posts: 224 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The poll should be open to whoever was a member in the past or we should what a read on someone's post where everyone gets a free month for voting yes so they don't have to pay twice, but since this is a "company" i doubt it will happen.

14-Feb-2013 16:35:35



Posts: 1,136 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This sounds awesome!!! I'll play both versions! I honestly think it would be best to just leave rares out. You could re-drop them I guess, but they would be worthless since everybody will think they are going up in price (like Fish Mask). I am very much looking forward to this and am delightfully surprised by this decision.

I also hope the annoying people in the current game who have over 20 bot accounts use those accounts to vote. :P (Still really want them banned, but that's one good use for them. LOOK AT SORCERESS'S GARDEN ON ANY WORLD AND OMG THERE ARE HUNDREDS!!!!)

14-Feb-2013 16:35:37

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