I'm not paying $15 dollars a month so you can make another stupid pirate ship Jagex.
I'm not paying you anything else as my membership ends on the 23rd, so if you have anything with reason and not plain out scamming people out of money you better post it.
Anyone who is resubscribing to vote when they could play versions of this for free is an idiot.
I refuse to play any version of runescape with construction or hunter in it. I will only if the old school version was set before June 2006. I will continue playing 2006 remake private servers if jagex releases an old school version set any time after this date.
They are clutching at straws at the moment in desperation, trying to save their embattled game from going bankrupt,just have a look at all the ways they have tried to suck money from us the last year or 2,especially the last year,every month or 2 some desperate measures taken to generate money.
So,, pkers are happy getting a non eoc back... so can people that like rs as is, get old wildy back? no pkers! and revs back?? that be great.
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