It's not about the game from 2007. That game is dated and no fun.
It's about the community from 2007. The community was wonderful. People worked together to have fun, rather than being at each other's throats, and scamming was not allowed, instead of becoming the best moneymaking method like it is now.
You can't bring that back with a backup and an old server. Jagex have to look at their policy of inviting back all the former rule breakers when IVP took over, and of giving botters and hackers and cheaters free reign, and what that's done to the runescape community.
They have to look at micropayments and changing to allow people who don't believe in fairness to buy their way ahead, making a community of haves and have not*.
I want the community from 2007 in the game from 2013.
I fear that fracturing the community further like this will only lead to yet more dead content. There is precious little reason to get the best stats/weapons/equipment now, except to boss, which you only do to get the best equipment... Runescape needs endgame content, a goal to work towards like perhaps being the best in the world at something (League of Legends has this attraction in spades), but if half the pvp community go play on "Classic 2" because they want to relive their glory days because they can't be bothered learning or getting good at the new game, then even things like the Clan Cup can no longer be seen as goals to work towards. You play, you max, you quit will be the norm.
Please don't split up the community even further, and please *DO* work towards making the Runescape community as good as it was in 2007.
Finally, yet again, Jagex have failed to learn about one sided polls. It's just like the wildy sham vote. If you don't let people vote "No", it's not a poll.
But like the wildy sham vote or customised classic servers, Jagex will do whatever they have already decided, and manipulate poll results to support it. No point voting really.
Thank you for reading.
14-Feb-2013 00:02:32