Jagex you clever monkeys you. :]
The idea of having members only having the ability to vote has perfect validity behind it, and I see your reasoning behind it for sure. It's also a great way to get some extra memberships once the word spreads about this though, and I see the marketing strategy behind it, but I don't care.
I'll be renewing my membership just for a chance to vote, and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed in hopes of reaching either levels 3, or 4. I believe the 4th level would be simply phenomenal. If I'm understanding correctly the 4th level means that the 2nd dedicated development team would be asking the players what additional content the community would like to see added, so if that's true then we'd truly have a "We pay, we say" mindset, and I think being that open-minded with your customers is a great step in the right direction. It's a great way to bring players back, and it's a great way to enjoy a game that's been in our hearts for quite a long time.
I'll be renewing my membership on the 15th, and then seeing where it goes from there whether or not I'll make it an ongoing subscription, or just a one time deal.
On a side-note: I don't understand why people would be opposed to this. There's already Runescape Classic, so that's proof that the possibility for separate servers is there, and Jagex has already guaranteed that it wouldn't take away from the original game in any manner. It's completely optional, and you don't have to partake in this server. I've seen some people who plan don't plan to vote just because accounts on this server would start on Tutorial Island, and people don't think that there are those are willing to start from scratch. I think that to be completely misinformed, because I know my close group of friends (around 5 of us) already plan on starting, and sticking only to this server, and I've seen many others who have several maxed out stats like us willing to start over as well. I digress though.
Thanks Jagex.
13-Feb-2013 23:47:07